Our Objectives

Our Objectives

The school aims at exploring the innate potentialities in each and every student who chooses to read in it. As the crown of the creation of Allah, everybody has been endowed with enough potentialities and promise in him or her. The school has been trying to bring that out and help it blossom and flower more and more in the students with the passing of each day, month and year. An important objective thus is to make use of the best possible way so that each can learn the contents prescribed for him/her with ease and comfort, confidence and joy. Let the child be interested in study, find it enjoyable and pleasant.

Let not the child grow over the years apathetic to study, let him or her not be bored of learning contents and notes, tired of working out home works and home task ; and frightened of pass or fail, less marks or forced T.C. Thus the main objective of the school is to help the child become a student in a way which does not cause it retarded growth but conforms to its psychological, mental and physical growth and to teach the curriculum to the student in a way which makes study enjoyable, pleasant, interesting and rewarding to him or her.